If your poor, praise God! Jesus was poor, what a perfect condition to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
If your rich, praise God! Jesus was rich in heaven, until he forsake his heavenly riches to save our souls. What a wonderful example to follow.
If your sick, abused, tortured, raped, addicted, depressed, praise God and praise God! Jesus fucking died for our souls and you are very much alive.
I tell you, if your hearing my voice right now Jesus can be alive in you and you can fully live. If your hearing my voice you can be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Praise God for life, but do we ever live it?
We always try to create our own little heavn-on-earths. Comfort, joy, happiness, exhilaration, prosperity, security, wealth, health, inner, selfish, pride. What ever happened to that verse about rejoicing in our suffering? If we believed in heaven at all we would live much more reckless lives. I think if we had any faith in God at all we would lock our doors less, hold onto our cell phones and laptops less, buy less clothes, care less about our own well being and our own appearances and care more about the lives of others. We wouldn’t care because we would have so much more in heaven. We can have heaven on earth I believe, but not by caring for ourselves. Not by looking outward. Because Jesus did nothing of the sort for us, we should do nothing of the sort period. Jesus hung on a cross.