breath deeply...dream elusively

sometimes i wonder (where i am)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


So im still in the deciding process of what blogs to scrap and which ones to continue. This blog will for sure stay the way it is. I want to do some side blogs, photography maybe, sociology? Theology? Any ideas?


World news. Politics. Goodness, maybe I should start by just updating this more often.

Today was cold and windy. I walked by the Anna river in the same clothes I wore yesterday; the same clothes I fell asleep in.

I drank coffee very quickly this morning.

There was a bit of nudity in class today, more then usual. In fashion nudity is just the way to be I suppose. Cosimo, the professor showed 3 or 4 slide shows, so much nudity. Fine art nudity, as they call it. Its not vulgar, Cosimo always points out.

I get angry and confused sometimes.

I get overwhelmed sometimes.

I think june bugs just need more time to themselves...just the little junebugs and a guitar perhaps. Singing to the swaying grass...why can't life be like that?


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