breath deeply...dream elusively

sometimes i wonder (where i am)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

I have decided

Oh to blog, to blog again.

But I think I will continue blogging, or start blogging again. A lot has happened since my last post which I think was just some random memory like poems, and I have a lot to say. So, electronically, via the internet and my 4 year old powerbook, I will start blogging again.

I have decided something though, I will blog about absolutely whatever I want.

I have to face the fact eventually that I am horribly disorganized and will never have individual blogs for my individual interests.

With that, im going to fetch a ride to Church with my pop, steal my mom's car from her sushi dinner meeting, and read a old book in cafe corner. Then, somehow, grab my bike from work and ride it home, maybe stuff it in the car.

My room is a mess and my head feels the same. Everywhere, scrambled. Tomorrow will be a little more clear.

It rained icy cold rain today. I ate three bagels.


PS - wrote this a while ago, finally posted it because I cannot post from my laptop.

Italy! Where are you?

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