breath deeply...dream elusively

sometimes i wonder (where i am)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Declaration

The logic is, that studying the material for a given course increases your chances of getting a good grade in the class, or in this case the final exam. The thing is that most students, including my most of the time, fail to study consistently throughout the school year, and end up frantically studying at the end of the year, to get a good grade on the final exam, which seems to always end up being a large proportion of your grade.

This leads me to believe that the school system wants us to frantically study at the end of the year, wants us to lose sleep and to be stressed, because it is as if the whole school braces and prepares for it, and the proportion the final exam is to the final grade seems to clearly reflect this idea. If this was not the case the proportion of the grade would not be so steep and the school faculty would treat these final days leading to finals more appropriately.

Hence, in an act of rebellion to the state of affairs of the common people here at Stony Brook University, in an single act of defiance, in a bold and daring move against the institutionalized robot students who fit mediocre molds of what society tells them to be, I, John Lake, am going to take a nap, fall asleep that is, and not study, not prepare for these final exams that you taunt me with, because you know what Stony Brook, im sleepy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

!!!!! ah!!!! your just...your just so unconforming... so like. you remind me of a pirate.

ok so i didnt call you back. ok so like...our plans. man our plans. cuhhrayyyzeee. ok so yes. get back here soon. and do good on your finals...maybe your sleep will help. o goodness i hope so.